A travers cette compétence, MAPE met à votre service un personnel capable de vous accompagner dans vos démarches d’optimisation ou de modification de votre station de pré-traitement ou de traitement des eaux usées.
We will advise you through a technical and economic study of the different means of treatment adapted to help you make the most appropriate choice reconciling technical efficiency and cost.
We are also able to help you with pollution issues and understanding the cause(s) of pollution through cartographic and bibliographic studies coupled with on-site surveys and measurements (pedology, sediments, living organisms, water, etc.).

- Cost-effective optimisation of an existing water treatment plant to meet discharge standards.
- Modification of a water treatment plant to integrate and manage the effluents generated by a new activity.
- In-depth modification of a water treatment plant in order to eliminate liquid discharges on site with support for recovery solutions.
- Impact study of a storage site on the immediate environment and proposal for an on-site treatment solution.
- Study of an ongoing pollution and identification of the different contributors.